At the end of September, we did something highly unusual in Germany…we shopped at night. Yes, once a year in central Munich, it's shopping till midnight.
Because the food generally is fresher and has fewer preservatives here (I’m a big fan of that!) and the refrigerators are the size of an average college student’s dorm fridge (not a fan!), you’re at the grocery store/baker/butcher pretty often. All of which close by 8pm and on Sundays. So, there’s usually a mad rush at 7:45pm to hunt and gather dinner. That leaves Saturday as shopping day for all your other wants and needs. (I won't even try to describe the chaos of a Friday night when Saturday is a holiday!)
But one night a year, Munich residents can go out for dinner, drinks, and THEN go shopping. Even better, it’s basically a giant block party so we can do all three at once! With bands, beer gardens, fashion shows, circus acts, and of course portable ATMs since many places do not accept credit cards.
Acrobats above the cosmetics department at Ludwig Beck
I’m not sure why the merchants don’t ask for this more often…nothing helps stimulate consumption like mixing beer gardens and shopping. Obama wants the Germans to buy more? Talk to Angie about having more “Culture – Shopping Nights” in Germany!
But this night is more than just later closing's an event, a real festival to celebrate this ordained breaking of the rules! There are bands, entertainment at many major stores, and outdoor beer gardens. Really, it's a big block party, but with a set schedule of events. The crowds were quite impressive and in late September you never know if this will be the last warm day of the year or not.
The highlights:
“Authentic American Music” (acoustic country and bluegrass) at Ludwig Beck department store
Cuban and “Fiery Salsa” at the bedding store
“Modern Nostalgia” with lounge music and a vintage VW bus at the Eyewear store
And at the womenswear store, a capella cover versions from Elvis to Michael Jackson.
And “Cowboy and Cowgirl Feeling” with a Bull-riding competition at the denim store
Truly something for everyone…
I've learned to find most of the things I need here, but whenever someone asks me what I miss from home, the answer after "friends and family" is "Wow, I miss going to Target at 10pm and loading up the car with a month's worth of supplies and groceries." Alas, today you find me walking to the store almost daily and carrying it home in environmentally friendly reusable fold-up shopping totes. But at least I have some cool shopping bags - and, for the record, I never make Herr J carry the pink Hello Kitty one.
Apparently Dresden has us beat, by taking it one step further and having an annual Sunday Shopping Day...oh, the heresy....and I so want to go!