Time for an iPad?
Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 9:00
Frau A in Technology & Design, cooking, iThingys

I’ve never been a first adopter and I’m content for now with my lightweight Kindle.  

But the kitchen makes me want an iPad. Specifically, this guy’s kitchen  

I wish I’d had one when I bought artichokes for the first time and said “what the %”#@ do I do with these?” Much more convenient than running to the computer to Google “how to cut artichokes” or writing down recipes on paper…and possibly watch a movie or TV while cooking.  When they invent the perfect create your own cookbook app, that might make me take the plunge.


And the low-tech version

Article originally appeared on Schnitzelbahn - Food, Travel, and Adventures in Germany (http://www.schnitzelbahn.com/).
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