What crazy things would you do if you were an eccentric gazillionaire?
A lot of people would have sharks with lasers à la Dr. Evil, or just sharks under the living room floor like Vector from "Despicable Me". After a couple of weeks at the beach, I know what I would do:
I want a reef-sized "aquarium" with lots of Triggerfish. Some sharks would be cool, too, but I really want Triggerfish. They're not only beautiful, but highly intelligent and seeming to have distinct personalities.
I'd have lots of the cute little blue scaredy-cat Red-Toothed Triggerfish that hide in mini caves....
...more Red-Toothed Triggerfish (one of the four has already slid into a hole to hide)...
....adorable little Picasso Triggerfish....
...brightly painted Clown Triggerfish.....
Clown Triggerfish...interestingly colored Orange-lined Triggerfish....
....and of course, the big smart Titans that root around everywhere and just look squeezable. Wouldn't he be an entertaining pet?
I took this video while snorkeling through the reef just off our room's beach. He also has an Orange-lined friend there to catch his scraps.
Also there will be rays that I can raise from babies to know me and feed in the morning. And Herr J wants a pet octopi or two.
Ray hiding in the sandHowever, this requires lots of space and diverse terrain. Triggerfish need space because they don't play well together (putting it nicely). The Red-Toothed ones need deeper water and walls with lots holes to hide in, while the Picasso are happy with a small coral formation shallow water. And the rays need a nice shallow sandy area to hang out.
More importantly, as I learned from watching one last week, Triggerfish eat hermit crabs, and hermit crabs are kinda cute. And of course I want to keep both of them. This is where both the "eccentric" and the "gazillionaire" part are important, because the only solution I see is to get custom manufactured military grade ceramic shells for the hermit crabs to protect them from the Triggerfish. In a wide range of sizes to allow for growth, of course.
(All of the above pictures are ones I took diving or snorkeling in the Maldives)
I think for now I'll keep diving and will see about Umbra's cool stackable fish condos, but I'm curious to know all of your eccentric gazillionaire dreams.