Man Purse Math
Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 8:00
Frau A in Fashion, Style, & Shopping, fashion, man purses, relationships

Herr J is still manpurse-less.

To be honest, we haven't really focused our efforts on the issue. Too many other things to do...vacation, vacation photos, job search (me), german class (again, me), enjoying the wonderful Christmas season in Germany, Christmas shopping, etc.

Though, with winter, a man purse has even greater utility. It's really cold here - cold enough that even I am choosing function over form. yes, cold has brought me insanity and I wear gloves and hats and try to wear warm, flat boots. The point being that now guys also have to carry around gloves, hats, umbrellas, and extra weather-related necessities...greatly weighing down the pockets of the man with no manpurse.

I've been keeping an eye out for good bags for Herr J. The ones I've seen and liked brought up some interesting questions:

 This is so much more complicated than we thought

Article originally appeared on Schnitzelbahn - Food, Travel, and Adventures in Germany (
See website for complete article licensing information.