These are fun.... Yanko Tsvetkov has created a series of maps showing countries as their stereotypes. He's from the UK, so there are several maps of Europe, from various view points....
In "Europe According to the Vatican" Swtizerland is shown as "Guards" and Finland as "Jesus Never Went There." The countries also are conveniently color-coded (with shading to denote intensity) as "Righteous People," "Misguided Brothers," and "Bastards."
In "South American According to the USA" we see the "Cuba del Sur" (Bolivia) and the "British Riviera" (Falkland Islands).
Russia is generally depicted by other Europeans as "Big Spenders," gas supplier, or "Bully." However, my favorite Russian one is in "Europe According to France", where it is shown as "Napolean's Dream."
"Europe According to Gay Men" also is fun, with Sweden shown as "Trashy Dance Music" and Turkey as "Sexy Homophobes." Portugal, the Spanish islands, Greece, Cyprus, and the Dalmatian Coast are collectively shown as "The Federated Holiday States of the Mediterranean," or "F.H.S.o.M."
My two favorites are The World According to USA and The World According to Germany. (Not surprisingly, being an American living in Germany...)
The World According to Germany