Signs of the Apocalypse
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 9:00
Frau A in Just for Fun, signs of the Apocalypse

Farmville for Dummies:


Available February 2011 (or for preorder on Amazon)

Sadly, this will probably sell a million copies. Though I didn't realize Facebook games needed 288 pages of instructions and strategy...











 Ed Hardy Crossstitch:

I'm just perplexed by this one. When I make a mental Venn diagram of people who cross stitch and people who like Ed Hardy, I just see two circles with a lot of space between them. Maybe Grandma is cross stitching Ed Hardy as a gift for the grandkids??? I just can't wrap my head around how this product works.  Ed Hardy does have some beautiful designs, but that is unfortunately overshadowed by who adopted the shirts and hats as their daily wardrobe.


Article originally appeared on Schnitzelbahn - Food, Travel, and Adventures in Germany (
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