Hot Chocolate Month!!!
Monday, January 31, 2011 at 8:00
Frau A in Food, Cooking, & Dining, New York City, chocolate, hot chocolate

I WISH we were in NY right's Hot Chocolate Month at City Bakery. Including both regular and adult hot chocolate...mmm...Bourbon Hot Chocolate....

These look so delicious that I'm goign to have to try to make a few similar ones. 

I'd love to be there for Caramel Hot Chocolate (3 Feb), Fresh Ginger Hot Chocolate (9 Feb), and Creamy Stout (11 Feb). Also intriguing are the Sunken Treasure (20 Feb) and Mouling Rouge (16 Feb). I can guess the Sunken Treasure has something in the bottom, but no idea what the Moulin Rouge could be!

Check them all out at The City Bakery.

via Newyorkology


If you're in Chicago, check out Hot Chocolate in Wicker Park. Their Sunday brunch is outstanding, as is their Mexican Hot Chocolate!

Article originally appeared on Schnitzelbahn - Food, Travel, and Adventures in Germany (
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