Whisky Tasting - Winter Jack
Saturday, November 26, 2011 at 12:30
Frau A in Food, Cooking, & Dining, whisky

Winter in Germany means many things. One of the best things is glühwein, which warms you from the inside as well as warming your hands while you hold a warm mug at the Christmas markets.

We've also been learning a bit more about whisky and trying to figure out what we like. So, when we saw this new product from Jack Daniel's, we had to give it a try. 

Jack Daniel's has carved out a good niche in Germany, and now has several types of Jack in stores here.  This winter they're promoting Winter Jack apple whisky punch. Sounded pretty good, so we grabbed a bottle at the Edeka. 

This stuff is tasty! It's very mild (around 15% Abv) and not too sweet, with nice cinnamon and clove notes. Also extremely simple to prepare. All we did was pour it in a mug and heat in the microwave. 

We were afraid it would be syrupy sweet, but they seem to have used an apple juice more to the German tastes (i.e., natural and not overly sweetened).  Definitely a good choice for a nightcap on a cold winter evening. Like warm adult apple juice! 

On another note...while Jack Daniel's certainly can't market this as medicinal, it's pretty close to the old southern cold remedy of warm Jack + honey + lemon, and so much easier to prepare!

Has anyone seen this outside of Germany? According to one British whisky store, it was created for the German market (though is beginning to be available in the UK).

Article originally appeared on Schnitzelbahn - Food, Travel, and Adventures in Germany (http://www.schnitzelbahn.com/).
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