If anyone knows of a good really high paying job, let me know. (or any good real estate job in Munich that will take someone not fluent...)
Herr J hopes I'll find something that pays obscenely so he can stay home and eat bon-bons and do man stuff like build things in the back yard.
I'd be OK with this plan, as he's a really great cook. And of course I'd have all kinds of cool things in the back yard.
Wood Fired Pizza Oven
Photo by David Sheridanvia Serious Eats
(You can find some instructions online at FornoBravo)
DIY Cotton Candy Machine
Herr J swears it's really easy...
I admit I'm a little intrigued to see the results of distilling catnip extract, though given that it involves steam distillation and a toluene bath, it seems a little wrong to be making meth for your pets. But hey, as long as they like it....(don't worry, catnip extract is safe for the cats).
Amusing step by step instructions are at Instructables
Though I'm afraid this all would involve multiple trips to the ER and end in projects like this:
Homemade Backyard Rollercoaster
Homemade Batman Tumbler
It's both good and bad to have an engineer in the house....