I've been waiting for months for a good snow.
Friday we had weird snow with thunder and lighting. First the fat wet flakes that were pretty and melted, and then it poured down these tiny little flakes that quickly turned the roofs white.
Usually it's gone by morning, but I awoked Saturday morning to find it still snowing and a nice thick layer on the roofs.
I hadn't taken any pictures in a couple of months, but I had a big internal battle between photographic desire and my strong desire to not be cold.
Fortunately, the creative side won. Shocking, actually. But a really good decision to not procrastinate and just go ahead and bundle up and go out. Though it was snowing hard while I was out and seemed it would continue, the rains soon came and washed away the pretty snow.
There are so many reasons to love Munich, but one of my top reasons is that when it snows, it feels like you're inside the picture-perfect world of a snowglobe.
Everything is coated with snow - I especially love how it coats every branch of the tree.
The beast-slaying cherubs at the base of the Mariensäule were no exception:
slaying heresy
slaying famine
Of course, with Munich being the little slice of slightly unreal paradise that it is, Marienplatz was cleared of snow before the snow had stopped falling. (The kids will be playing on the snow piles for the next 2 months!)
The trees behind the Rathaus are some variety of gumball tree. The snow makes perfect ornaments of them!
Notice anything odd here?
It's actually a reflection. I was hoping this black glass enclosure would make the snowflakes stand out, but was surprised with the fun mirror effect.
I'd somehow never put together the cow fountain in the Rindermarkt with its name, but it actually was the cattle market in the old walled town.
And the Löwenturm has a lovely decorated tree in front of it.
It's not actually raining snow, but just playing around a bit with a slow shutter speed and Herr J's tripod.
A fun morning and probably a positive lesson in why not procrastinating sometimes is good. Really happy I had the chance to go enjoy the beautiful snow!