Wow, it's been a roller coaster of a summer here at Schnitzelbahn. I don't mean in the up and down sort of a's all been up! But I do mean in the way that once you get on the ride, there is no getting off until you reach the end! And it zips by at high speed!
While we try to unpack and recover and go through all the photos, here's a quick recap of the last few months. We'll post in more detail about each soon, especially our exciting wedding week.
Of course the highlight of the summer was our wedding 2 weeks ago in Charleston, SC. The one downside to it being your own wedding is that it's impossible to take pictures. So, we just have to wait a few more weeks until we get the photographer's photos. Herr J is pretty patient, but the waiting is killing me!
At the reception, with our awesome caterers from Cru Catering
But in addition to the wedding planning we've also been working hard, working out, and trying to fit in a bit of travel where we can. Since this year I needed all my vacation for the wedding and honeymoon, we've tried to make some fun trips around the area.
In the weekends leading up to the wedding, we combined those goals with some hikes in southern Bavaria.
After an earlier abortive attempt to hike up Wendelstein due to rain, we were determined to go up the next time, no matter the weather. Despite the heavy fog, we did make it to the very top, and saw absolutely nothing. But it was a great day and we had good company (and hiked the final hour in pouring rain).
On the way back down from WendelsteinLuckily the weather was better for the next hikes, though they were pretty tough ones, both over 1,000m climb!
View from atop the Rotwand
Herr J coming down from Guffert
We also had the chance to see a bit of Germany's other regions when we attended friends' weddings in Duisburg (the Ruhrgebiet) and Lennestadt (the Sauerland).
Landschaftspark in Duisburg
Morning hike in the Sauerland
And we ventured a bit further with a long weekend road trip through the Czech Republic to see the sites, tour a couple of breweries, and visit dog breeders.
Cesky Krumlov
Did I mention PUPPIES??!!!!
We acquired some more photography gear in anticipation of our honeymoon safari, and practiced on the zoo animals.
And of course took some weekend morning walks to feed the ducks and enjoy all the cute babies.
And the persistent, but maybe not as cute, geese.
For me, it was also a summer of sewing projects. I'm currently finishing up a big scarf I started knitting on my weekly commute. However, I did develop a much closer relationship with my sewing machine (and make numerous trips to the fabric store) while sewing trachten-inspired bags for our wedding favors.
And finally finished the dirndl I started last year. Had I known I'd be getting married this year, I would have picked a lighter fabric more suitable for a wedding reception. But still, I'm looking forward to wearing it to Oktoberfest this week.
This year was a special birthday, as I had the chance to celebrate it many times. My birthday was exactly a week before our wedding, so I was in the US for once. It was a fun week of lots of cakes, presents, and time with friends and family. After celebrating with family on the actual birthday, my girlfriends from Dallas surprised me with a tasty chocolate ice cream cake the next day. One of my best birthday(week)s ever! cream cake!
And after a week of work in New York, here we are back to reality....well, not yet reality or normal life...back to Oktoberfest!
Löwenbräu at the Oktoberfest opening parade