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German Beer Wars - Kristallklar Weissbier

This was a new one for us...the Weissbier Kristal type. Basically, it's a wheat beer that is then filtered to remove the yeast and other sediment. We had no idea what to expect, but it sounded good to me. Looks like a light beer, tastes like a wheat beer...at least that was my guess. 


The Unertl was not a beer we knew, and it was definitely not a Kristall Weissbier. It was, however, very unusual. But in a good way. You can see how dark it is in the picture below, and I was expecting it would not taste like a Weissbier. It was much darker than the Dunkles Weissbiers we had tried. The taste, however, blended together the good spices of a dunkelbier and the sweet yeasty taste of a weissbier.

Unertl is a brewery in Haag, which is about 45 minutes due east of Munich. They've been brewing weissbier since the early 20th century, which makes them a very young brewery in comparision to others. In addition to a few varieties of weissbier, they make bierschnapps, which I think are exactly as it sounds. This could be a good afternoon excursion in the spring!

Then we have the Franziskaner Kristallklar - so clear you can read the "Weiss" on the label through the beer!

The Franziskaner was very good - light and crisp, with the light taste of weissbier. But the Unertl was so different and tasty that we had to give it the win.

We paired these with a delicious Asian dinner...miso-glazed salmon, pork dumplings, and cocktail shrimp with spicy Thai seafood sauce. Yum!

After tasting the Franziskaner we thought all of the Kristallklars would taste the same. Erdinger and Paulaner proved us wrong...The Erdinger tasted more like a sweetened Pils. It just was a little odd...the hops didn't seem to belong in a weissbier, let alone a filtered one.

The Paulaner Weissbier Kristallklar blew us away...it was great. It wasn't too sweet, but had a great tangy flavor with the spices and sparkle of a weissbier and the lightness and clarity of a helles. Great beer!

The Unertl - Paulaner matchup was a tough one...they were both truly excellent beers, but so different that it came down to a matter of taste. We just really enjoyed drinking the Paulaner Kristallklar, and so it goes on to the Sweet Sixteen, Paulaner's third berth so far! (Paulaner Salvator and Paulaner Original Münchener Dunkel will meet in the Dunkel regional semifinals, guaranteeing Paulaner at least one spot in the Elite Eight).

Two new great beers discovered...a good night's work!


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