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The Best Oktoberfest Ever

Anyone who knows me knows I love Oktoberfest.  But since I love dressing up, silly songs, and carnivals, it should be no surprise. Only Bavaria can outdo the Texas State Fair!  (I still need to take Herr J to that...he's never been!)

Due to work travel committments, I was only able to go to Oktoberfest twice this year - we actually had to give up tickets we'd booked in the Kaiserschmarrn tent because I was out of town.  Fortunately, when I returned, we went with friends for a long Sunday and made the most of everything the Wies'n has to offer. 

On the last Friday of Oktoberfest 2011 we squeezed in a short visit, before heading out on an early Saturday morning flight to a week of vacation:  a Pyrennees hiking adventure.  Seeking refuge from the crowded tents, we instead had a lovely picnic dinner (Spanish ham and cheese, and of course German beer) on the hill overlooking the grounds, in front of the Bavaria statue.

And here, Herr J asked me to marry him.

Best. Oktoberfest. EVER.

Looking forward to many years of trachten with this wonderful man! 

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Reader Comments (4)

Congratulations! :)

October 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCN Heidelberg

Couldn't be happier for you both!

October 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMom/Cindy

Congratulations- that must be the effervescence I was seeing:-).

October 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterG

Happy to finally see pics of the momentus event!! Congratulations on your engagement!! I'm glad that Good Old Gold was able to be a part of this special time in your life.

Keep in touch!


November 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLynda

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