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Have you seen... [microwave makes plasma]

Most people know that there are three common states of matter:  solids, liquids, and gasses.  There is a less understood fourth state, called plasma.  Wikipedia says is plasma is similar to a gas but some particles are ionized.

You've seen these things in gift stores?  They're "plasma lamps".

Three things to know.  First, a microwave oven can induce ionization and briefly turn a gas into plasma.
Second, due to the ions, a plasma is electronically conductive, resulting in effects (neon lamp uses plasma).
Lastly, people on the Internet and YouTube will try just about anything with a microwave oven.

In the first YouTube video, the skin of grapes is creates an electric arc that produces a small plasma discharge.
It gets more interesting when the host places a glass over the grapes to capture the plasma (1:45 mark).

In the second video, a match is lit and partially covered (enough to keep oxygen flowing but trap the plasma).
The sustained plasma gets so hot that it breaks the glass.  (And I think the gas is toxic, by the way.)

Finally, having nothing to do with plasma, check out the instant art when microwaving a CD or DVD (3.45):

Of course, don't do any if this at home unless you want fire, explosions, and toxic fumes in the kitchen.

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Reader Comments (2)

Fire, explosions, toxic fumes? Sounds like making toast around my place.

November 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterian in hamburg

Ian - toast-making sounds like a great photoblog post for you. We'd love to see pictures!

November 22, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrau A

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