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Your secret, alter-ego names

I have to admit - some children's games are still pretty cool 25 years later.  I was recently reminded of one interesting kid's activity, but didn't remember all the details.  A Web search resulted in only a few hits, so I consolidated what I could and edited things to make it work better...

The "game" is discovering the names of your alter egos / secret identities.
Here are some of the formulas and how it turned out for me:


(first name of a main character in the last movie you watched + last food you ate)

Because of the formula, this changes depending on what you ate and watched most recently.
I got the following:

- Harry Pasta  (Sounds too much like a bizzaro Harry Potter)
- Albus Zwiebelrostbraten (German foods just don't work too well here...)
- Jason Satay (Sounds like a character from The Office U.S., but not too bad)
- Bourne Goulash (Just plain strange.)
- Bud Flammkuchen? (again, foreign food didn't work out)
- Jim Couscous (Not so great either.)

Verdict:  There is potential here, but just doesn't work in practice.  Especially with English names and foreign foods.


(first name of your favorite living politician + your favorite gemstone)

I got the following:  Chris Diamond

Verdict:  Not bad! Certainly better than the first formula.


(last snack food you ate + your favorite drink)

I got the following:  Cookies Margarita, Spekulatius Schorle (German)

Verdict:  Makes me sound like a poser or a floozy.  Guess it works!


(name of your favorite perfume/cologne + favorite candy bar)

I got:  Aqua de Gio Nussini, Polo Reeces

Frau A got: Burberry Brit Crunchie (probably shorten to Burberry Brit or Brit Crunchie)

Verdict:  Kinda funny, actually.  In a cheesy mafia movie sort of way.


(favorite color + favorite animal)

I got:  Blue Wolf

Frau A got: Green Leopard

Verdict:  It's as funny as you find the Pink Panther or Sgt. Friday.  Think Saturday morning cartoons.


(name of grade/highschoool + county,  not country, where you grew up... or switch these around as needed)

I got:  Dudley, Perrin, Deland, Monroe... Wow!  they ALL work in almost any order!

Frau A:  wow, way too many schools and counties..... Frederica Glynn, Hutchison Shelby, Stratford Tift...I think we'll stop with three 

Verdict:  The best one so far!  Probably because so many schools and counties are named after historical persons.


EASTERN NAME - warning, complex formula and definitely NOT politically correct:
(2nd letter of your first name + 3rd letter of your last name + any letter of your middle name
+ 2nd letter of your moms maiden name + 3rd letter of you dads middle name
+ 1st letter of a siblings first name + last letter of your moms middle name)

I got: Erolese

Frau A got: Nahaish (Not really sure what they mean by "Eastern"....doesn't sound Eastern European or East Asian. Maybe Middle Eastern, though not so much either)

Verdict:  Pretty good, if pronounced with the right accent. Who the heck came up with this formula anyway?


(favorite spice + last vacation spot visited)

I got:  Cilantro Maldives (but an herb?), Chile Male, Chile Doha

Frau A got:  Cardamom Maldives

Verdict:  Nope, just not funny.  Except Chile Male, that elicits a smile at least.  The vacation spot is the weak link here.  Wonder what would work better...?


GHETTO NAME - warning, NOT politically correct:
(first 2 or 3 letters of your first name & -Shawn/-Quan/-Quita/-Niqua
+ last name of whatever President or Prime Minister is on the currency you have in your pocket/wallet)

I got:  JeShawn Merkel (using German Prime Minister), JeQuan Van Rompuy (using Pres of the European Council)

Frau A got: Anniqua Merkel

Verdict:  Assuming everyone understands this is a harmless joke, it's really funny.  Sounds like characters on Saturday Night Live. 


(what you ate for breakfast + your favorite tree)

I got:  Pretzel Oak, Butter-Breze Eiche (German)

Frau A got:  Käsekrainer Poplar

Verdict:  Again, foreign names/foods kill the joke.  I do like Pretzel Oak though.  Pass the granola!


(Dad's name + favorite Italian restaurant)

I got:  Lew La Scala

Frau A: Don Zanotti 

Verdict:  Great stuff.  This is clever and funny.  Probably too easy, because of the Italian restaurant name, but hey...it's a kids' game after all...


(first name of your mother's dad + father's dad)

Verdict:  Let's just say we self-edited content -- trust me, you didn't want to read the result. 


(name of [opposite sex] friend + phone company you use)

I got:  Jennifer Vodafone

Frau A: Paul Telekom

Verdict:  Terrible.  Who decided to use the phone company in the formula?


(1st pet, a street you grew up on)

I got:  Thor Heatherwood

Frau A got:  Si St. Clair

Verdict:  For me, it is unbelievably great.  Thor Heatherwood?  Name says it all.  Frau A's is pretty funny too, but a little too much like a character in the board game Clue.


(current pets name + current street name)

I got:  Buda Prinz, Lyka Prinz

Frau A got:  Loki Sendlinger, Gus Sendlinger

Verdict:  This has potential... but I'm not convinced just yet.  Gave a chuckle, but not really memorable.


(your first pet & current car)

I got:  Lyka Bahn

Frau A got:  I have the same "car" as Herr J...it's called Munich Public Transportation.... Si S-Bahn?

Verdict:  There HAS to be a better algorithm for Rock Star names, right?  This is bad.  Although Frau A's is getting better the more I hear it...


("The” + your fave hobby/craft + your fave weather element + “Tour”)

I got:  The Trekking Sun Tour

Frau A: The Cooking Sun Tour

Verdict:  Mine is, well, interesting.  Frau A's is a total fail.  Not impressed with this formula.


(middle name, city where you were born)

I got:  Tom Rochester

Frau A:  Elizabeth Columbus

Verdict:  Not bad.  City name is a good choice for this algorithm, especially for me.


(silliest childhood nickname + first town where you partied)

I got:  Einstein Evanston (it's easy to get that childhood nickname when you play football and study even a little)

Verdict:  No, I did NOT get that name because I am so smart.  It came from some football players (low standards).  And no, the formula does not work so well. 


("The" + favorite car maker + second favorite animal)

I got:  The Porsche Dolphin

Verdict:  Huh?  Car maker?  Animal?  The logic of this one escapes me, or maybe this is more like sports nicknames in the 1950s and 1960s?


(middle name + county, not country, where you grew up)

I got:  Tom Monroe

Frau A: Elizabeth Glynn

Verdict:  Nice!  Again, when you use counties, you get those general yet regal sounding names.


(the first 3 letters of your last name & first 2 letters of your first name
+ first 2 letters of mom's maiden name & first 3 letters of the town you grew up in)

Verdict:  Did not work for either Frau A or myself.  Not worth the electrons to show the results.  Bad formula.


(First syllable of mothers maiden name & first syllable of city born in + mom's name spelled backwards)

I got:  Al Ro Ydnic

Frau A: Haco Yllas

Verdict:  the creator of this formula was on crack... but good crack I guess.  Kinda works!


Well, that was a great (and I truly mean that in the purest sense of the word) waste of time.  Good regression therapy.  Hope your results are even better.  Feel free to share the good ones with us all

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Reader Comments (6)

For the movie + food: Yogi Gnocchi
I love it!

March 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHappy Homemaker UK

Hilarious! The formulas are interesting: often producing little of interest, but every once in a while something just perfect. And you got one to work with a foreign food too! Cheers - Herr J

March 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrau A

I dunno. Life has dealt me some odd aliases.

Porn Star name: Bozo Atlantic. That kinda works

Rock Star Name #1: Bozo E Coupe

Rock Star Name #2: Ichihiro Ismaninger (Long story)

Spy Name: Michael Allegheny. I rather like that one, but more for a movie star that a spy. "That's Allegheny, Michael Allegheny" don't roll off the tongue.

March 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Honourable Husband

That's a pretty great porn star name.
We read your Fasching/Westerwelle post today - great stuff! I laughed so hard

March 10, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrau A

Lyka and Buda are your "current pets"? hmmm, interesting.

March 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhoenix

Phoenix - "current" is not accurate, but they were my dogs. Lyka ("lee-ka") a German Shepherd, and Buda a yellow lab. Miss them. Actually chose names that are short and with relatively clear pronunciations for easier command training. Cheers - HerrJ

March 16, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrau A

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