Math/Science and the Mundane

The following item came up on my Google Reader recently and made me smile. At work somewhere , somebody posted a message to keep the coffee machine working, and a clever (bored?) colleague posted a great follow-up:
If you're not chuckling, then check out this link that is a good starting point to learn about quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle, superposition, and other ideas relevant to this joke.
Yes, for people like me such little things add spice to life, so I went looking for other tidbits like it. On the web I found this photo - no idea where this elevator is located, but I like it:
Somehow this led me to wall clocks. Yes, wall clocks - but ones that communicate time in terms other than integers.
This one using a "byte" (meaning 8 binary bits, but it actually doesn't need to use the first four bits, so these always remain at 0):
The next model replaces the numbers with simple equations or symbols. Pretty easz to follow so far:
Here's one that's getting a bit more complicated, throwing in some linear algebra. Yes, these are all for sale somewhere - a Google search will show you more than you ever wanted ("geek clock", "nerd clock", etc.):
I've seen others using natural logirithms and extended notation, but maybe you want to go in a different direction? How about the periodic table of the elements (showing the element with the atomic weight of the number on the appropriate place of the clock face):
Since we're in the digital age, this list would not be complete without an electronic clock showing the time, again in binary:
Bonus points if you prefer to make your own like this guy, rather than purchase it! (link on picture)

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