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American Beef + German Beer 

What better combo??

In general, American beef is EXTREMELY expensive in Germany (unless you have access to a military base). It's also not found everywhere. However, German beef is usually quite good for roasts, ground beef, and other uses, and Uruguayan and Argentine steaks are quite good.

But when I saw ribeyes at the store for insanely low prices, I had to give them a try. They were the perfect way to christen the grill Herr J had put on my balcony while I was away (he knows the way to a southern girl's heart!).  Yes, the label really does say my beef was "Born in the USA". In Germany, when you can get 3/4 of a pound of American ribeye for less than the price of a maß of beer, it's celebration time!

Herr J put a nice cajun rub on these big boys and then set them out to grill:

You'll have to ask him what was in there, but it was really tasty.

We made a nice salad (heavy on the pine nuts and parmesan, of course), and had a good German pilsener - this time a Bölkstoff. What a great dinner to end a week of hard work!

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Reader Comments (2)

Bölkstoff? Is that what passes for good North German beer in Bavaria? :-)

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterScott

I confess, I bought it on a road trip because the label was cool. Though it turned out to be decent beer.

Would love any recommendations from your part of the country - there's definitely a southern bias in what the markets here stock!

April 19, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrau A

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