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When German ingenuity meets Home Video

You know that MTV show that was made into a movie, where crazy (stupid?) teenage guys perform stunts that inevitably result in bodily harm?  (Name:  Jacka**)

Unfortunately, that culture has migrated across the Atlantic, although to some extent boys-will-be-boys all around the world.

In this specific case some German, um, innovators lay a motorcycle on its side so that it can power a playground carousel.  And we're talking real pocket-rocket... lots of power available.  The guy in the red pants is great -- his friends keep it slow for a few revolutions so he has time to get another drag on his cigarette before handing it to a nearby friend.  Then he gets a short but thrilling ride:

Just before they really get going you hear "halt fest!" which means "hold on tight!".  At least one guy listened.

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