Google Doodles Quiz - Part 5...Holidays

In this prior post we briefly described Google Doodles and had a quiz.
Now it's time to guess the Holidays that are recognized with a Doodle (often a different Doodle every year):
Answers below:
#1 Easter
#2 Valentine's Day
#3 Father's Day
#4 Thanksgiving (designed by Ina Garten)
#5 St. Patrick's Day
#6 Halloween (designed by Wes Craven)
#7 St. Nicholas Day (not Christmas! Notice the shoes...)
#8 Feb 29th in Leap Year
#9 Dr. Martin Luther King Day
#10 New Year's Day (Roman numerals will tell you the year...)
Reader Comments (1)
Being honest i was not aware about the all of the Google doodle for holidays. I really feel glad after knowing all about them. The designs of google-doodle are really creative and impressive one..