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51 Days til Oktoberfest!!!

We have our trachten ready and the Oktoberfest beers are now in stores.

We learned late last year that Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier was our favorite, when it made it the furthest of any Oktoberfestbier in the Schnitzelbahn Beer Tournament. I say "late" because we realized it after the stores had sold all of their stocks.  This year, we'll be sure to stock up on the good stuff!

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Reader Comments (4)

We are OVER Oktoberfest, with a capital O. OK, it was fun the first time. Interesting the second. We were getting the hang of it by the third. But by our fourth Oktoberfest, we'd just about had enough. I have some commitments to entertain clients on Wies'n, but that's it. I prefer to drink beer in the company of good friends in pleasant surroundings rather than in a packed aircraft hangar full of horny puking frat-boy psychopaths. Of course, your mileage may vary.

July 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Honourabe Husband

I actually had the best time last year by just going at lunch and taking pictures of fun attire, or going late afternoon and having a Franziskaner on the beer carousel, playing a few games, and calling it a day before the crowds came. It was like a whole new Oktoberfest!
I did have a few times in the tents, but spent a lot more time outside of them, and in short trips. Then again, we can just pop in and out when we live here and don't feel the pressure to make the most of it like people do when they've travelled a long flight to get here...
(And if I'm being truly honest, I'm happy with any excuse to get dressed up and perhaps sing along to some schlager...)

July 27, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrau A

Will you, by chance, be in attendance at the Dems Abroad fundraiser event on October 2 in the Schottenhamel tent?

I too, prefer the late weekday morning vibe in the tents and the people watching out walking around, but I'll do the tenty thing once in a while.

August 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercliff1976

I'm not sure about the Dems Abroad fundraiser. If we're in town and tickets are available, sounds great.

August 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrau A

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