Google Doodles Quiz - Part 10...Media and multi-theme logos

In this prior post we briefly described Google Doodles and had a quiz. This blog entry is the 10th "quiz" of Doodles and the last one (for now).
Below are three Doodles recognizing the birthdays of radio and film directors, two historical figures that did not fit into the previous categories, plus two Doodles that each reflect two topics:
Answers below:
#1 Birthday of Alfred Hitchcock (The Birds)
#2 Birthday of Akira Kurosawa (Japanese film director)
#3 Birthday of H. G. Wells (War of the Worlds)
#4 Birthday of Ghandi
#5 "Birthday" of Confucius
#6 Independence Day (4th of July) and Birthday of Rube Goldberg (cartoons of complex machines)
#7 New Year's Day and Birthday of TCP/IP which is the communications protocol for the Internet!

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