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Beating the Heat

After all my whining about a rainy, cool summer, the Hundestage finally have arrived!

We've been soaking up as much of the warmth as possible, enjoying local festivals, hiking, watching American football, and walking around town sipping iced coffee drinks.  Lots to catch up on and photos to share in the next week.

Though the heat here is nothing like what our friends in Texas have been facing, these are the 4 or 5 days per year when it's too hot to sleep or eat and I miss having air-conditioning.  But it's made me rediscover a treat from childhood, and one of the best ways to banish the heat.

Ice cold watermelon!!


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Reader Comments (1)

I never whined about the cool weather! I don't deserve this torture!! ;)
You are right though, the best thing about it is the increased appreciation for watermelon.

August 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCN Heidelberg

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