Oktoberfest 2011 - opening day parade

Here's a quick photoblog of the opening parade for Oktoberfest 2011.
This was held Saturday, 17th of September 2011, starting around 10:45am. It lasted about an hour.
Before the parade started, one of the marching groups stepped forward to entertain the waiting crowd.
They perform traditional "whip cracking" (I don't know the official name!) -- here's a short video:
Finally the parade got underway. Horse-mounted police lead the way:
I'm thinking it's a plum assignment to lead the Oktoberfest parade!
Here is the very start -- the first marching band with the Münchener Kindl following (next photo too):
The "Münchener Kindl" (Munich's child) on horseback. Her stein has labels of all major Munich breweries.
Then the Oberburgermeister (the mayor) in prime position, giving a hearty wave:
Spaten was the first brewery house to appear (you see their symbol on both wagons):
They have a separate wagon/float for their Schottenhamel tent:
Next came Käfer - this is a premium food/wine store in Munich. The tent has great food.
It's not a brewery, of course... but from the light blue on the steins it looks like they serve Löwenbräu:
Käfer means ladybug... see the painting on the side of the float?
Löwenbräu was next - those glass steins are looking half drunk already (first 50m of the parade!):
Parade participants are already working on their pre-fest mass here too:
The keg-wagon followed the float -- they all have large and colorful flower arrangements:
Something different followed - the Wine Tent (Weinzelt)!
The Wine Tent is sponsored by Nymphenburg sekt (champagne):
Back to beer - he comes Paulaner around the corner (like Löwenbräu, it's Bavarian blue & white):
Followed by a different Löwenbräu tent:
This huge keg is completely draped over with hops:
Yet more Löwenbräu kegs passed by:
Everyone seems really happy except the two drivers on the front...
... and this kid not sure what to do!
At this point the procession paused a bit - typical parade "traffic jam". So these older Bavarians just danced!
When things got moving again, Hacker-Pschorr was next in line:
They did it the other way -- keg wagon first (above) and then the party float (below):
OK, so Hacker-Pschorr had another keg wagon...
... and another fun float, with more decorative hops vines.
Finally, Augustine makes their first appearance. The Munich favorite.
Remember the video of the whip-cracking early in this post? The driver of the Augustiner Festhalle horse wagon put on a single-man display in front of the grandstand. Everyone loved it!
And here is a photo of the same wagon after it went by:
The Augustiner ladies are surrounded with huge arches of hops!
And then the favorite of tourists, Hofbräu!
The float is pretty mild-mannered compared to the Haus itself...
Then the HB keg wagon with a big golden crown:
Back to Spaten, again, for the Ochsenbraterei Tent (Ox Roast). Yup, a whole one every day (at least).
One lady is halfway through her mass and is showing us how happy she is!
Back to Munich royalty, Augustiner.
I don't know what the Es and Ms mean on the kegs below... anyone?
Finally, the ultimate party tent, the Hippodrom:
This kid was peeking out the side from between a lot of dirndls!
The police bookended the parade - the show is over. At the Weisn the mayor needs to tap the first keg...
German efficiency - the street cleaners follow up immediately (lots of horse poop to sweep):
Plus, they were prepared with a vet who wpecializes in horses... just in case. Nice.
Other police opened the ropes - many people followed the parade to the Wiesn, to start celebrating!

Reader Comments (4)
Who needs to go to Munich when you can get a front row seat right here. Thanks for the photos. And where is the photo of Frau A in her new dirndl?
Hi GG: Thanks... but Frau A had to go to New York City for work - 2 weeks! The dirndl is not done! Tragic!!! It's top priority though, and she still has a couple of weeks. Prosit to you. Cheers, Herr J.
Yes, unfortunately work travel (almost every day for the past 4 weeks...) has seriously interrupted my sewing time - and oktoberfest time. But if it's not finished, we'll make sure to take advantage of Munich's year-round trachten-friendliness and go celebrate with a maß somewhere!
An awesome tradition---you captured it wonderfully. The pic of the little boy was precious. They love their beer. Makes you proud to be German, doesn't it, Herr J?:)