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Random photos [01]

Just a short post to share some recent photos while moving through everyday life...

First, a shot from the third floor of my apartment building, looking north.  You see one of the few tall buildings in Munich, metallic and modern.  It was a cloudy/stormy day, and I just like the clouds plus the contrast with the small white building in the foreground:

I was walking to meet a friend for dinner, and went by one of the old homes -- high steep roof, tiny windows, and short doors.  Squished between two post-war buildings, I found it ironic that in front were parked two Minis!

Also on the way to meet my friend for dinner, I decided to cut through a cemetary.  I like what bracketing + fusion/tonemapping in Photomatix does to the stones and flowers.

Then I found one site with a cross, and lined the setting sun into the center.  Again Photomatix-ed.

I arrived a bit early, and clicked away at Frau U when she was walking down the sidewalk.  She just looks happy! 

While I was waiting, I wanted to try a technique that I read about.  It is often discussed regarding photography of fast moving items...

A short shutter speed will "freeze" the action, like our photos of the Women's World Cup.  However, sometimes you would like to give a sense of a subject's speed/motion.  To achieve this, you want your target to be clear (obviously) and the background to be blurred.  It is implemented by panning the camera while you shoot -- following the subject at the same rate.

It's funny because the first thing people are told NOT to do is shake the camera - it causes images to blur!  In this case, you direct the blur to the background while trying to keep the main subject sharp.  My first try is below - not so good, even though it is an older guy driving his Volvo!

This is tricky to do.  I have even more respect for the pros now.  If you're interested, check out this great article on car racing photography at a favorite photo Web site of mine (this is good too).

Yup.  Still have LOTS to learn about photography...

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Reader Comments (1)

You've come a long way---nice first try on the motion shot. BTW, love the cemetery photos.

October 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMom

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