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Schloss Nymphenburg in Winter

We've been to the Nymphenburg Gardens many times, in spring and in summer.  So it's only fitting we see it in winter, too. 

On our recent Eisstockschießen outing, we spent an hour walking around the castle grounds before the Eisbahnen opened. Herr J and I will both say that photography at -15° is a challenge and that handwarmers are a necessity - both for keeping my hands flexible and for keeping his batteries warm!



We hadn't had that much snow recently, but after a good solid two weeks of subzero temperatures, the canals and ponds were covered in thick layers of ice. 




This was my favorite view...though it looks like little ice floes, the dark part is also frozen. I guess the lake froze, partially thawed, and then froze again around the slabs of ice that remained. Whatever happened, it was a really cool effect on the ice!


There was one little pool of water, in which the little black ducks congregated. 


To me - who is not used to much more than flurries or ice storms once per year - the different forms of ice are fascinating. I'm sure someone can explain it all in terms of temperatures and different crystalization structures, but the result is beautiful. 




Despite the warnings of possible death, the ice fills up with people enjoying all types of winter sports. In addition to eisstockschießen, you can ice skate (rentals are also available), play hockey, sled, or just slide around. 



This clever lady paired ice skates with her baby buggy! 





It's only for a short time that the ice is thick enough for sports, but it's times like this that make winter not so bad!

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