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Signs of Spring

A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I feel alive again...spring finally is here! 



Though most of the trees and flowers are still only budding leaves, there were a few early bloomers out at the Botanical Gardens. 



And of course many great flowers inside the greenhouses.


We're still a few months too early for the baby ducks and geese, but for now we have turtles.




And most of the trees in Munich are starting to show signs of life.  Interesting that Munich is a couple of weeks behind Frankfurt. These are the trees budding in the Bavariapark here in Munich. Last week in Frankfurt, the leaves were out and plum trees covered in bloom.




I've never seen anything quite like these blue and yellow ones, also at the Botanical Garden in Munich. 


Some of last year's swan babies hanging out in the pond at Schloss Nymphenburg. 


Even better, we can finally eat dinner outside again. The Augustiner am Dom has interesting signs of spring. Not just the Easter-ish table cloths, but that they seem to have lamb as their current seasonal menu. I do think of cute fluffy lambs at Easter, but it feels a bit odd to feature them as dinner! We had flammkuchen instead....


 And best of all? Spring means the beer gardens are open again!  


Hard to believe how quickly things changed. This is the Nymphenburger Kanal, only a few weeks apart. We went from people on the ice to algae and ducks swimming. 


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