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Macro Photography in the English Garden

Frau A and I spent another morning in Munich's English Garden.  After some "regular" photos, she spotted some caterpillars in a nearby tree and we changed to macro mode for them, a small smail, and a fly.

Note:  I replaced my old Olympus E-PM2 with the newer Olympus E-M5, and have the Panasonic 45-200mm lens with the Canon 500D close-up lens for macro (also using a flash in the hot shoe).

The caterpillars here are maybe 3cm long, and the fly perhaps 1.5cm.  The experts on dpreview.com forums are right -- focusing and DOF are very challenging.  But we're having a lot of fun learning.  My best 5 shots below.

Click on the shots to get a slightly larger version.

Caterpillar hanging from a thread (I like the bokeh and how it framed):

Fly on a leaf:

Caterpillar climbing:

Caterpillar and small snail on the same leaf!

Another fly - he didn't hang around long:


I will be trying the Canon 250D close-up lens on the Panasonic 45-200mm lens to get more magnification -- so we'll see if I can learn to improve focus, lighting, etc. in the future... 

If anyone has tips for us on technique, etc., feel free to leave a comment of course.

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