Beer Stein... with the Lord's Prayer

I was looking at various web sites for German products that I could send to some friends in the U.S.. At one online import store (U.S. based), I came across an odd combination -- a beer stein with the Lord's Prayer on it!
This is taller (16 inches) than normal, holding 1.5 liters. (Small steins hold typically 0.5L, and large ones 1L.)
The text is in German, and it's made in Germany. It just doesn't seem very German to put Bible verses on a stein.
The Catholic Bavarians and southern Germans generally don't quote the Bible much, preferring symbols and images. So I checked -- the producer is in northern Germany (albeit southeast of Cologne, a very Catholic city too).
Maybe marketing knows something we don't? This is not cheap either, at $115! Not sure what to say... prosit?
Reader Comments (1)
Ghastly. Does that $115 come with postage? It's kitsch for people with more money than brains.