A Schnitzelbahn History: the Tanzania honeymoon safari

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So, here is a brief index of our blog entries about parks on the northern circuit in Tanzania (plus Mafia Island):
Arusha National Park (Day 1, Day 2)
- Arrival and overnight at Karama Lodge
- Morning in the Park: baboon babies, walk across the plain, a small waterfall, and lots of giraffes
- Afternoon in the Park: canoeing on an alkaline lake, flamingos, and black & white colobus monkeys
Lake Manyara National Park (Day 3)
- Morning in the Park: more baboon babies, impala, dik dik, zebra, and lots of elephants
- Afternoon in the Park: vervet monkeys with babies, baboons, golden weaver, plus the Rhotia Valley
Ngorongoro Crater the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Day 4)
- Morning in the Crater: zebras, hyena, wildebeast, warthogs and babies, ostrich, black rhino, eland,
bush buck, Thompson's gazelle, birds (ibis, stork, and kori bustard), elephants, and lounging lions!
- Afternoon in the Crater: yellow-billed kites, weavers and pelicans, elephant, water buffalo,
ostriches in a mating dance, warthog babies, lions, and the Rhotia Valley Children's Home!
Serengeti National Park - Walking Safari (Day 5, Day 6, Day 7)
- Drive into Serengeti N.P.: saw lions mating (!), and an uncountable number of wildebeast in the herd
- Drive to the Walking Safari Camp: agama lizards, superb starlings, marabou stork, and our campsite
on the banks of the Orangi River in the central Serengeti (with recent hippo tracks near our tent!)
- Info about the designated "wilderness area" for walking safari: the camp, the surrounding landscape, etc.
- First day (morning walk): lots of animal tracks, water buffalo (one alive, one just a skull), and an impala
- First day (afternoon walk): an antlion, two jackals, and a mongoose family in an abandoned termite mound
- Second day (morning walk): a klipspringer, reedbuck, giraffes, topi... and a black-necked spitting cobra!
- Second day (afternoon walk): a short trek through the larger kopjes and rainy goodbye to the mobile camp
Serengeti National Parl - Game Drives (Day 8, Day 9, Day 10)
- Drive from walking camp to the game-drive camp: leopard tortise, herd (or pod) of hippos, impala, giraffes,
a silverbird and some weavers, a leopard (finally!), vultures, mongooses, water buffalo, and a lion near camp
- Info about our "special campsite": lodging options in Serengeti National Park, our tent camp in the shadows of one of the Moru Kopjes, baboons and giraffes at breakfast, light painting at night, and a landscape view with rainbows.
- First Day (morning game drive): hyrax, lion perched on a kopje, bearded woodpeckers, and lots of elephants
- First Day (afternoon game drive): a sensational view, with video, of a pride of lions gathering at dusk.
- Second Day (morning game drive): leopard in a tree, lion in a tree, many animals feeding (giraffe, vervet monkeys, warthog), many birds (secretary bird, pearl spotted owlet, gray hornbill, lilac breasted roller, lovebirds).
- Second Day (afternoon game drive): coming soon
Mafia Island (Chloe Island)
- First Day: coming soon
- Second Day: coming soon
- Third Day: coming soon
- Fourth Day: coming soon
- Fifth Day: coming soon
It was a once-in-a-lifetime adventure -- thanks to friends and family that gave wedding gifts to make it possible.
Reader Comments (2)
Hi ! this is a good post by the Author. Tanzania is a best place for newly married couple. Tanzania honeymoon safari is a good safari. The information about this safari is good. Thank you for sharing this useful information.
Thank you Piet / Safarihub. We appreciate the positive feedback. Cheers, Herr J and Frau A.