Entries in Facebook breakup (1)


More Fun with New Media

In a prior post, we saw how Twitter Tweets can collectively be used as a mood ring for the U.S..  Well, it turns out that Facebook status updates show the times of year that you are most likely to be dumped by your significant other!  Here is the chart that shows volume of break-ups over time:


Most of this makes sense.   Funny that Mondays in April have mini-peaks (why April?).  I've heard that in the corporate world, firms usually lay off employees on Fridays.  I guess that in each case the breaker-upper chooses a time at the end of a period of relationship interaction, rather before a period of relationship interaction... but maybe that's over thinking things a bit.

I guess there are a lot of returned Christmas gifts... so there is an advantage to last minute shopping?  There is a small uptick before Valentines Day too, but people seem to stick it out better.  Until Spring break, of course.  Interesting stuff.

Check out the author's TED talk as well.  You have seen TED, haven't you?