September at Schnitzelbahn

Hard to believe we're almost at Oktoberfest time again! Before we know it the Christmas markets will be up.
While we managed to fit in a short weekend trip or two (can't wait to show you the pictures from the Hopfenland!), Herr J and I have mostly have had our heads down, focused on work. He's in the final stretches of a multi-year project and I've had meetings around Germany for 2 weeks, and am headed to New York for a couple of weeks of work.
So, the dirndl sits unfinished (the skirt is made, but not yet attached to the bodice), we have hundreds of photos to sort through, and many great German goods awaiting a taste test. But we did just finish packing and cleaning, and capped it off with a quick radler tasting. Few things taste better after a hot day's work than a cold beer!
A couple of those trips were to Frankfurt, where we had a beautiful sunset. One thing I do like about Frankfurt are the old villas - most now are hotels or offices - and the greenery. This view was out of my hotel window.
Wishing you all a good start to the school year, a good jump back into work after summer holidays, an escape from the heat, or just a really great September!