If It Were My Home

This is a fun and interesting site...and easier than flipping through the World Fact Book.
If It Were My Home compares basic stats about average life in other countries. The first level compares all to the US, but you can compare any country here with another.
While many things are unsurprising, there are some shockers.
Of course, I had to compare the US and Germany
It's really no surprise that Germans use less oil and electricity, have more free time, and have a lower birth rate. I was shocked that it was half the oil and 40% fewer babies, but I do know the low birth rate is a major concern here and a big threat to the future of the social system.
However, I'm really suprised that health care spending is almost half that of the US. I know that based on my limited experience, health care (meaning bills for a doctor visit or minor surgery) is much lower than would be the same service in the US, but that's only one piece of what is a very complicated puzzle.
These are all averages and general stats, but it's still interesting to play around. Apparently the French work more hours per year than the Germans and Canadians use more oil than Americans....
via LifeHacker