Entries in light painting (1)


Lichtfaktor -- painting with light

Instagram has taken photo-effects to the masses, but there's still countless ways to experiment with images.  One example is Lichtfaktor (light factor, or light element perhaps):  Their web site says they are "a collective of light-painting artists" who are "pioneering into new territories".  Hard to argue with that, when you see their work.

I think the technique of light painting is using moving lights during long exposure, but that surely is an over simplification of what they do and how they do it.  The results range from simpler light-added shots...


...to full-blown light "paintings":


They will also set up at corporate events -- I need to have my company hire them!  One of their booths:

Employees (or customers, say, at a convention/trade fair) can get an enhanced photo like this Audi guy...

...or something altogether different, like these angel's wings on this woman:


In addition, they hold light-painting workshops.  I would love to attend one of these with Frau A:


They have many more neat pics on their portfolio page.

But their neatest trick to date?  VIDEOS.  Check out this one for Levi's -- production result starts around 1:45:


The growing plants, moving animals, and just-plain-fun and creative graphics are absolutely fantastic.
Well done, Lichtfaktor!