Entries in sled dogs (3)


Friday Photo Favorite: Snow is Coming...

If the forecasts are correct, tomorrow we'll have our first snow of the season. 

Luckily our building turned on the heating yesterday, so we're now prepared. I'd love to have a couple of these guys to snuggle up with, though!



Friday Photo Favorite: Puppies!

I'm so tired right now and a bit stressed out. Trying to get everything done before deadlines next week. 

For anyone else who's having a rough week....PUPPIES!!

Cute, fluffy sweet Husky puppies. 

I feel better already. 


Vacation on my Mind

Frau A and I haven't had a vacation since May.  That's quite a while to go without time off, and for Germany is bordering on criminal.  Over here, most people get 30 vacation days a year!  (Annual salary is proportionally lower, but it's a pretty good trade off)  Many take a 2 two-week trips per year, plus three weeks over the year end holidays (including public days).  Some will take a big three-week vacation instead -- I've never had one that long.

I am so ready to get out of town with Frau A, and channeled that excitement by browsing through some of my favorite photos from trips long ago.  These were taken on an old Canon compact, so nothing as gorgeous as Frau A's pics.  Hopefully in the next weeks we experience a combination of...


Something Different

In the Yukon (Canada), you can ride a 4-wheeler over light sand, running down to a wide lake, with mountains as backdrop.  Just a really unusual combination of natural features.


Good Timing

It's always nice to catch the things at just the right moment.  In this case, light-from-heaven and a rainbow off a cruise ship in Alaska.



Cool Creatures

Landscapes are nice, but a fur and fang are exciting.  Here, from completely opposite ends of the spectrum, stingrays in Grand Cayman and Huskies pulling a sled across an Alaskan glacier. 



Peace and Quiet

Adventure is great, but sometimes you need a little R&R.  Courtesy of a hut in the South Pacific.


Look for some vacation photos here in late November...