Nerd Love

I admit I'm a bit of a nerd myself....not a WoW playing or band geek kind of nerd, but the Model UN kind....though my credit card account was hacked a few years ago and it spent a couple hundred bucks on WoW....hmmm...
But I've always found I fall for guys who have some nerd in them and I look around and see that many of my girlfriends - mostly well-educated, professional women - are with guys in IT-related fields. There are some big advantages to this...the guys seem secure in their own professions and not threatened by women who have good jobs in law, banking, and finance. And usually between them or their friends, there will be some expert in any arena where you need help. (My life has definitely been improved by Herr J's knowledge of speakers, cameras, and kitchen electronics! I didn't know that you need to look at specs for blenders and pressure measurements for coffeemakers)
So, today it's cool to be a nerd - with tons of products and T-shirts out there with which to proclaim your inner nerd or love of nerds. Which makes me wonder what really defines someone as being "nerdy." I think it all boils down to passion. It might be computer games, music, science, or a number of other things...but a "nerd" is someone who has a passionate interest in something. I guess now it's just cool to admit to your passions!
P.S. I so want one of these!
(the socks are available at Neatorama)

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