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Even More Krapfen

For a couple weeks, we'd seen the tasty and unique krapfen in the window of the Woerner's on Marienplatz. Woerner's is one of my favorite places in Munich for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake, though I usually go to the smaller one by Sendlinger Tor.

The Bailey's Krapfen in particular called to us...  



Bailey's KrapfenI picked up a Bailey's and a couple of the donut hole looking ones to take to dinner at Herr J's. Strangely, we both had the same thought that day and he had gotten one of each! We had a great little krapfen tasting

The Bailey's, as expected, were amazing! And instead of powdered sugar or glaze, they had chocolate flakes topping the krapfen.

Overally, Woerner's has the best krapfen - their dough is perfectly airy and not greasy, and the fillings unusually good.  All of theirs are whole krapfen, filled with some filling. The Rischart were unique in that they were sliced in half with the filling sandwiched in between the layers.

Both the Bailey's and the Eierlikör ("egg liquor") had tasty liquid fillings. The Prosecco krapfen had a small but strongly flavored core that was like the center of a champagne truffle. Excellent, and just the right amount. The Kirchwasser (a cherry schnaps drink) Krapfen was filled with a sweet and dense filling, somewhere between a custard and a truffle filling. Good, but not as perfect as the Bailey's.

Nutella-filled WörniesBut the huge surprise of the night were the Wörnies, the little round things in the left of the top photo that appear as donut holes dipped in chocolate. Oh, they were soooooo much better. These are a unique creation of Woerner's. Basically they are like a little circle of (probably fried) cake, filled with Nutella. The Nutella seeps into the little caverns inside the dough. They really don't need to be dipped in chocolate, but otherwise they are little mini bites of heaven.


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Reader Comments (6)

Yum, yum, yum! It seems like the bakeries are really going out of their way to get people to buy Krapfen this year. Forget the Plain Jane stuff. Those little donut hole things sound awesome :)

Oh my! How those goodies would satisfy my sweet tooth!

February 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCindy

It is REALLY hard to stay away from all these tasty treats - the donut hole ones are the best!

February 23, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrau A

My favorite are Bailey's and Eierlikor!

February 28, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbopper

Bopper: I especially like the Vanilla from Richart. Prosecco were OK, but Bailey's also were nice! Guess time is running out now, but asparagus season will be on us again soon (another upcming post, I'm sure!) Cheers - Herr J

March 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrau A

Tiffany - by the way, you can get the donut-whole things year round. The plain version is the "quark-bälle" and this is just a "quark-ball mit Nutella". They are great munchies. Cheers - Herr J

March 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrau A

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